Hello World! 🤖
With our third book launched in English, we figured it’s about time we created a website to showcase our science-children’s-book series Marvelous but True!
What is Marvelous but True?
Marvelous but True is a non-fiction book series about scientific wonderment. Dreaming, daring, thinking, and doing. For researchers ages 6 and up.
In these books, Jan Leyssens and Joachim Sneyers dive into the wonder and curiosity that proceeds scientific research. The books are about observing the world around us and wondering why things are as they are. And what we could do with them.
Science only becomes science after the experimentation and tinkering. When it’s repeatable. With these books we want to highlight an aspect of science that is often overlooked. The aspect of dreaming, questioning, and experimenting.
How it started
In 2017 Jan Leyssens was asked by TEDxAntwerpen as one of their speakers. He decided to talk about the science stories he tells his kids.
After his talk, Jan was asked if he wrote these stories down somewhere. The idea of a kids book series about the stories behind science was born. Together with the illustrator  Joachim Sneyers, Jan created a first draft copy, and with Clavis they found a publisher who believed in the idea.
At this point the books are being published in Dutch, English, Danish, Russian and Bahasa.