Mission to the bottom of the sea
Finally available in English!
A little more than a year after we released our first book in Dutch, we’re insanely proud to announce to the world that Marvelous but true is from now on also available in English! “Mission to the bottom of the sea” is the first book of a child book series on scientific wonderment. The series was launched a little over a year ago in Dutch as wonderwaar, and has also been published in Danish and Russian.
Mission to the bottom of the sea
Almost one hundred years ago, William Beebe and Otis Barton crawled into a tiny submarine to explore the depths of the sea. How did they come to invent the Bathysphere? And what did they find there, far below the ocean’s surface?
The first book in the non-fiction series “Marvelous But True”. A picture book about dreaming, daring, thinking, and doing. For researchers ages 6 years and up.